Yep, software kali ini merupakan update terbaru dari CCleaner. CCleaner v2.26.1050 ini memberikan sejumlah perubahan, mari kita lihat perubahannya di bawah ini:
- Added support to clean Windows DNS cache.
- Added vacuum SQLite databases for Firefox and Google Chrome.
- Added publisher and version to Uninstall tool.
- Added Taskbar jump list tasks for Windows 7.
- Added Taskbar Progress for Windows 7.
- Improved Exclude list registry keys addition functionality in 64bit Windows 7.
- Improved Registry Cleaner detection algorithm and 64-bit file system redirection.
- Improved "Save to text file" functionality in Cleaner screen.
- Improved system tray icon activation and tooltip.
- Improved Registry screen "fix selected issues" dialog usability by removing prompt.
- Further improved RECURSE and REMOVESELF functionality.
- Improved Uninstall screen detection algorithm.
- Improved memory usage to avoid GDI leaks.
- Fixed issue with Sticky Notes being detected as Missing startup item.
- Fixed "Edit" and "Remove" button availability on Include/Exclude screen.
- Fixed various GUI bugs.
Silahkan download CCleaner v2.26.1050 di link di bawah ini:
Download CCleaner v2.26.1050
3.1 MB
- Added support to clean Windows DNS cache.
- Added vacuum SQLite databases for Firefox and Google Chrome.
- Added publisher and version to Uninstall tool.
- Added Taskbar jump list tasks for Windows 7.
- Added Taskbar Progress for Windows 7.
- Improved Exclude list registry keys addition functionality in 64bit Windows 7.
- Improved Registry Cleaner detection algorithm and 64-bit file system redirection.
- Improved "Save to text file" functionality in Cleaner screen.
- Improved system tray icon activation and tooltip.
- Improved Registry screen "fix selected issues" dialog usability by removing prompt.
- Further improved RECURSE and REMOVESELF functionality.
- Improved Uninstall screen detection algorithm.
- Improved memory usage to avoid GDI leaks.
- Fixed issue with Sticky Notes being detected as Missing startup item.
- Fixed "Edit" and "Remove" button availability on Include/Exclude screen.
- Fixed various GUI bugs.
Silahkan download CCleaner v2.26.1050 di link di bawah ini:
Download CCleaner v2.26.1050
3.1 MB
14 Desember 2009
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DuniaCZ says:
apa bedanya sam tune up utilities
Steven Prayugo says:
Kalau TuneUp Ultilities punya banyak tool yang multi fungsi...
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Tapi kalau yang paling jago membersihkan yah CCleaner dech...