1. Use hidden system memory for caching
The main new feature of this version is an ability to directly use “unmanaged” system memory to cache you files. eBoostr overcomes Windows 32-bit system limitation and can utilize hidden memory above ~3.25 GB limit.
2. Redesigned cache configuration
Another major new feature is a complete cache configuration flow re-design. Now you can manage and configure all your cache devices, cache file sizes (including quick resize) with an easy one-step procedure.
3. More updates to follow
There are still some new functionality in development that will be featured in the next Beta version update releases, including:
- optional cache contents encryption
- flash memory use speed improvements (especially USB flash drives and SSD)
- and more…
Tapi sangat disayangkan, versi 4 ini masih BETA. Jadi, Anda juga dapat berpatisipasi untuk membuat eBoostr menjadi lebih baik lagi di website resmi-nya. Silahkan download versi terbaru eBoostr ini di link di bawah ini:
Download eBoostr v4.0 Build 544
3.1 MB
Artikel Terkait
23 Desember 2009
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DuniaCZ says:
ini sudah full kan